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The History of Little Bray

Little Bray House was once a much smaller, traditional Devon farmhouse until it was extended and modernised in the 1920s to become the building we know today. The photo above dates from shortly after this work was completed.

The Acland "Bray Estate"

Huge land owners during the 18th and 19th Century and before, the Acland Family were reputed to own so much of Devon that they could walk from the North to the South coast on their own land.

The principle seat of the Aclands was Killerton House in South Devon, now owned and managed by the National Trust, Click here, although the branch of the Acland family most associated with Little Bray were based at Fairfield

Lands at Little Bray appear to have been in Acland ownership for almost 350 years, but only Thomas Palmer Acland actually lived here. From 1801 until his death in 1844. It was not until 1919 that the estate, extending to some 6000 acres was broken up, sold as one of their "smaller" estates, we believe to cover death duties for Sir C T D Acland.

Summary Timeline

Below is a summary timeline of the history of Little Bray as we know it. We are grateful when we receive any further information that can be added to this, so please feel free to contact us if you have anything to add!

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